Sunday, January 31, 2016

Week 4 Plan

We have crossed the half-way point in this short course.   Things will begin to intensify now.

Image result for getting busy

In week 4  this is what we will do:

  • Essay -- you will work on writing draft 1,  which is due on Friday.  You will have class time during three days (about 3 hours total).  
  • Grammar -- Chapter 15 -- we will finish this.  You have Grammar Test 2 on Thursday.
  • Speaking -- Introductions presentations on Tuesday.  We will talk about this on Monday.   I will introduce your big presentation assignment later in the week.   You will also practice debating and discussing issues.
  • Listening - you will listen to a radio interview,  and a lecture,  and a debate;  we will discuss the sitcom you watched on Friday; you will have a listening quiz on Wednesday (based on the textbook)
  • Vocabulary -- you will prepare for a vocabulary quiz on Feb. 9th -- you will practice writing vocabulary cards;  numbers - I will review this on Wed.
  • Speaking-Listening -- we will do Unit 3 in the textbook
  • Writing -- you will write another summary for me

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Audio recording of Wednesday's debate

Students can listen to themselves via Soundcloud by clicking on the links below

The Pro argument for a smoking ban  (Shirley, Hussain,  Zach)

The Con argument for a smoking ban     (Mayam,  Rocky,  Alisa, Ikuya)

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Speaking Assignment 2

Speaking Assignment 2
           Introduce a famous or important person

Due Tuesday, Feb.2

  • For this individual speaking assignment you will provide a 1-2 minute introduction of a famous or important person (alive or dead).   It is like a summary about someone.
  • Use your analysis and video of your first introduction to make this better.
  • You may have notes on a car Les will give you,   but you cannot write sentences,  and you must not read from your notes.    Think of your introduction as telling a story.
  • Use the sample introductions posted on the blog below as models.

            This assignment is worth 10 marks.   Les will videotape your talk.  

           You will be evaluated on:

  •          Content    /5  -- the details,  logic,  organization,  and interest of the talk

  •          Pronunciation    /5  --  word clarity,  word stress,  stress in sentences,  flow,  speed,  key words 
  •                            Body language  /5   -- hands,  eyes,  feet, body

  •             Vocabulary      /5     --  word choice,  word form,   academic vocabulary,  formality
  •           Grammar        /5      -- noun clauses,  passive tense,  gerunds,   verb tense,  count 

Look at some of the following introductions to speakers at Google Talks

Prepositions practice

Try these exercises to improve your preposition use ability.

Verb + Prepositional Phrase Practice 1


You can also view a list of the 150 or so English prepositions  here

Friday, January 22, 2016

Smoking ban essay pro and con

For your listening practice

This is a mobile app that I highly recommend to improve your English listening.  I have it on my iPad and on my Android smartphone.   This is how I listen to the radio while I am brushing my teeth or cooking dinner.     The free version is okay, but the paid version allows you to record what you listen to,  which is a very good strategy sometimes.      There are other other apps similar to this out there,  but this one definitely works well.      Check it out.   


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Feedback about Tuesday's Pie Chart Presentations

Here is the
Here is my feedback from my notes about your pie chart presentations on Tuesday. Because I didn't record the talks, my feedback is based on handwritten notes. The points I make should be considered by everyone, even if it was not about your group. I apologize if for some of you there are too many problems observed and not enough good points. There were good points, but I couldn't write fast enough to note them all. My observations were about the points that jumped out at me.

Image result for presentation pie chart

Kid,  Zach,  Ikuya
  • good -- you introduced the topic,  not the argument  with  “I’d like to talk about the price of bananas”   
  • good -- you stated the main idea
  • good -- Zach gave a signpost -- “another main reason …”
  • good language  --  “As you can see from this pie chart …”
  • good -- setting up the next speaker   “Kid will give us an example”
  • good -- examples are powerful
  • problem -- grammar -- Kid:  “They should wake up at 5 a.m.”

Alisa &  Shirley
  • problem -- fatal flaw -- you contradicted each other,  but said  “So we agree:
  • problem -- Alisa -- speaking too fast at the start
  • problem -- Alisa -- don’t put hands in your pocket
  • good -- referred to data “Supermarket is 38%,  workers only 2%”
  • problem -- “And if you go to the plantation”  -- consumers do not go to a plantation
  • problem -- grammar is very rough -- try to record yourself and listen

Hussain & Rocky
  • problem -- topic vs. thesis    -  “Today we will talk about governments should …”
  • problem -- too informal -  “Hi”
  • problem -- overuse of “should”  -  “Because we should make sure workers should be paid fairly”
  • problem -- generalization -- “The government controls everything …”
  • Rocky -- don’t put your hands in your pocket
  • good - excellent language -- “What this chart shows is …”

Mark & Maryam
  • problem -- pronunciation -- pee chart or pie chart?
  • good language -- “It’s a difficult question.  Many think …. but others …”
  • good signposting --  “Let’s start by considering the facts.   You can see …”
  • problem -- Mark -- looking at chart too much sometimes
  • good -- lots of details to support your points
  • good -- added counterargument
  • good -- dealt with interesting point  “And why is it only 2%?” -- looked at economics
  • good -- used academic vocabulary -- “significant”  “distribute”   “if you compare”  
  • good -- signpost  -  Maryam  “Another argument is …”

What is listening and how can it be improved

What exactly is listening?   How does the process occur?   How can we improve our listening?

These are important questions to consider as it is estimated that 40-50% of the time we are engaged in listening of some type or other.

The first point to understand is that we listen with our brain, not our ears.   If our brain is turned off or only engaged in a limited way, then our comprehension will be similarly limited.   Good listening is active listening.

This relates to the concept of processing (the mental bit) the sounds that enter our ears (the physical bit).    We engage in two types of processing:

1.   top down processing -- using our previous knowledge of the topic the words are concerned with;   having a purpose for listening;   predicting what will be said;  here we use a lot of ‘chunking’

2.    bottom up processing -- this is very inefficient and we all do it to varying degrees -- we attend to the individual sounds and words;

Comprehension, which can range from 0% to 100%,  occurs as a combination of the two processes.     

So why on a listening test do you maybe only score 50%?

(Of course, this may be partly due to poor reading or test-taking skills, but that is besides the point of this page.)

The biggest barriers to listening comprehension are:

1.  poor vocabulary -- if we don’t know the important (and common) words, then we are stuck.

2.  poor pronunciation -- if we don’t know how words are supposed to sound, then we can’t recognize them.   Spoken correctly, they may not be as we say them and hence believe  they should sound like.

3.  poor accommodation strategies:
  1.  words are spoken in connected strings  -- they are often slurred and said quickly whereby they blend together ( ex.  for getting vs.  forgetting; watchagonnado?)
  2. we often don’t catch bits of what we hear, but we can guess or infer what we miss based on context -- like filling in a puzzle

 4. unfamiliarity with different speaking formats

5.   weak knowledge of the world and its many different domains

If you want to improve your listening, then you must attend to the weaknesses just discussed.

As you listen, you should be interpreting what you hear.   People create understanding of oral input in different ways because people are all different.   As you listen, you should be making a story and hence meaning out of the various strings of sounds/words.

Here are the top ten macro strategies to improve your listening ability.

1.   Listen to stories --  this develops the top down processing skills.

2.   Practice cloze and dictation activities -- this develops the bottom up skills

3.   Do extensive listening -- on many different topics; from many different voices; from varied  
formats    (ex.  news; interviews; lectures; songs)

4.   Immersion -- surround yourself with English -- minimize L1 oral input; minimize translation

5.   Improve your vocabulary -- first the top 3000 words; then the top 5000 words; then the top 8000

6.   Study the English sounds -- productive and receptive phonetics

7.   Interact in English -- have a friend with whom you must speak English; speak to homestay
     family frequently

8.   Listen and make a summary -- then check with someone else

9.   Practice listening activities with a partner

10.  Use the many different listening resources on the Internet

Here is a list of many micro strategies: (from Listening and good language learners; Goodith White in Lessons from Good Language Learners, ed. Carol Griffiths.  Cambridge:Cambridge University Press. 2008)

1.   Cognitive strategies:   mental activities learners use to remember and develop
language and enhance comprehension

  • predicting what a piece of listening will be about, or what language/information will come next;
  • drawing inferences when information is not stated or has been missed;
  • guessing meaning of unknown words
  • using intonation an pausing to segment words and phrases;
  • other micro-strategies to do with processing language -- identifying stressed words, listening for markers, listening for structures, etc.;
  • using schematic and contextual information (top down) together with linguistic information (bottom up) to arrive at meaning;
  • visualizing the situation they are hearing about; piecing together meaning from words that have been heard.

2.  Metacognitive strategies:  these are activities learners use to organize, monitor and     evaluate how well they are understanding.

  • focusing attention, concentrating and clearing the mind before listening;
  • applying an advance organizer before listening (I think the topic is going to be … so …);
  • going in with a plan (I’m going to listen for … words I know/key words);
  • getting used to speed and finding ways of coping with it;
  • being aware when they are losing attention and refocusing concentration;
  • deciding what the main purpose of listening is;
  • checking how well they have understood;
  • taking notes;
  • paying attention to the main points;
  • identifying listening problems and planning how to improve them.

3.   Socio-affective strategies: activities in which learners interact with other people in 
order to  help their comprehension and encourage themselves to continue listening.

  • asking for clarification;
  • checking that they have got the right idea;
  • providing themselves with opportunities for listening;
  • motivating themselves to listen;
  • lowering anxiety about listening;
  • providing a personal response to the information or ideas presented in the piece of listening;
  • empathizing with the speaker and trying to understand the reason for a particular message.

Your listening ability will not improve overnight, but an organized and effective strategy implemented over many months can indeed have dramatic results.  

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Writing a summary -- slideshow

Image result for summary

You can view Wednesday's  slideshow presentation about writing a summary,  which includes a sample summary here

Another example of a summary is:

Science Shows Us How the World Is
by Min Seok Kim
            "Is Science Dangerous?" by Lewis Wolpert appeared in the March 25, 1999 issue of Nature. In this article, Wolpert insists that scientific knowledge has no moral or ethical value, and that all it does is make a just society. He tells us that we do not know the exact difference between science and technology. In actuality, science makes ideas about how the world works; scientists do not cause unethical behaviors.  However, technology—such as the genetic engineering feats of human cloning, gene therapy, and genetically modified foods—can do so.  Wolpert suggests some guidelines to reduce ethical problems: all scientific ideas should be criticized by others; knowledge should be used to do good, not evil; and government and the media should act correctly in carrying out the applications of science.

You can read more about writing a summary  from   Learning Matters   

Monday, January 18, 2016


OCE   --  Out of Class essay

4-5 sources (Les will provide)

Week 2  -- analyze/discuss sources  and discuss arguments

Week 3 -- begin writing outlines (individually)   -- outlines due Friday (Jan.29th)

Week 4 -- work on draft 1 - due Friday (Feb. 5th)

Week 5 -- get back draft 1 (Tuesday/Wednesday)  draft 2 (due Friday,  Feb. 12th/Feb.15)

Source 1  Vocabulary

n - p1
edge, outside, opp=mainstream
adj p 2

n  p 2

n - p 3

pushing for
vp -- p 4

sympathize with
v p 5

tone down
v -  p 5

v p 5

the noose is tightening for
idiom  p 5



casting line into uncharted waters

unheard of



clash with










stench puffed wantonly

